Get To Know Our Recycling Program

What are you supposed to do with all of your Gabriel product empties? Send them to us for recycling!
We recently laid out a list of easy ways to green your beauty routine in celebration of Earth Month, but there’s one thing you can do to be eco-friendly that we really want to highlight – participate in our Gabriel Green recycle program.
The initiative was created to reward our loyal and earth conscious customers (and because we love our planet!), and it’s super easy to be a part of. How does it work? Return any five containers of empty Gabriel Cosmetics Inc. products – including Gabriel Cosmetics, Zuzu Luxe, and Clean Kids Naturally – and receive one free Gabriel or Zuzu Luxe lipstick of your choice. Choose from our long list of colors like Tropical Pink, Pomegranate, Chocolate Cherry, Tea Rose, Ultra Violet, and many, many more.
Items excluded from the Gabriel Green program include our clear brush pouches, promotional packaging material, and any boxes that Gabriel Organics, Gabriel Cosmetics, or Zuzu Luxe products come in.
If you’re ready to get started, ship your five empty containers to us at the address below and included a note stating which lipstick you would like and where we should ship it.
Gabriel Cosmetics Inc.
Attn: Gabriel Green
PO Box 409
Redmond, WA 98073
Happy recycling!