Did You Know? We Make It Super Easy To Recycle Your Product Empties

What are you supposed to do with all of your Gabriel product empties? Send them to us for recycling!
There are a multitude of ways to green your beauty routine and live a more clean and sustainable lifestyle that help reduce your personal impact on the environment, but there’s one thing you can do to be eco-friendly that we really want to highlight—participate in our Gabriel Green recycle program. In order to continually reduce our environmental impact, our beauty and skincare products are recyclable through the TerraCycle Zero Waste Box—that means zero waste! TerraCycle is an award-winning recycling company dedicated to eliminating waste. When you mail us your empties, we will send them to TerraCycle to be used in the creation of new products.
The Gabriel Green initiative was created because we love our planet and we want to reward our loyal and earth conscious customers—and we’ve made it as easy as possible to participate. How does it work? Return any five containers of empty Gabriel Cosmetics Inc. products—including Gabriel Cosmetics, Zuzu Luxe, and Clean Kids Naturally—and receive one free product of your choice (excluding skin care, foundations, palettes, and gift sets). Almost anything on our site—from your favorite Precision Liquid Liner shade to a 10-free Nail Polish color or a tube of our Matte Luxe Lip—could be yours for free!
Items excluded from the Gabriel Green program and not eligible toward your five recyclable items include our clear brush pouches, refill pans, pencil sharpeners, Eye Pencils, Lip Pencils, Brow Pencils, promotional packaging material, and any boxes that Gabriel and Zuzu Luxe products come in. (Just as a reminder: Our boxes are FSC certified, printed with soy ink, and recyclable and our PELASPAN™ BIO packaging peanuts are 100% biodegradable).
If you’re ready to get started, ship your five empty containers to us at the address below and include a note stating which complimentary product you would like and where we should ship it.
Gabriel Cosmetics Inc.
Attn: Gabriel Green
PO Box 409
Redmond, WA 98073
Happy recycling!
To learn more about our ongoing commitment to sustainability, click here.