Should You Apply Concealer or Foundation First?
Forget any conflicting advice you’ve heard – when it comes to layering Concealer and Foundation, there’s definitely a correct method to the madness. The easy answer? Always apply foundation first.
If you’re covering acne, scars, or other skin blemishes, it’s pointless to conceal before putting on a layer of foundation. Simply put, it will end up rubbing away any concealer you’ve applied and undo your previous efforts to cover up. This will cause you to use a lot more product than necessary and it can make your skin look cakey, which is never good. Plus, not all foundations are formulated the same. If you use a sheer product, you may need more concealer and vice versa – if you use a heavy product, you may need very little or none at all.
The moral of the story? Before you add concealer, swipe on a base layer of foundation and check for areas that still standout. Follow up by dabbing concealer on the spots that need more coverage, and then soften the edges with a Blender Brush. Voilà, you’re good to go.