Did You Know? Even Our Packaging Is Eco-Friendly

FSC labels can be found on millions of products around the world—from the almond milk carton in your fridge to your favorite book—and one we're super excited about—on all Gabriel Cosmetics, Zuzu Luxe, and Clean Kids Naturally boxes.
But what does it mean? Simply put, these labels provide you with an assurance that the products you’re buying are made from wood that came from responsible sources. We’re proud to say that all Gabriel Cosmetics, Inc. boxes are FSC Mixed Packaging, an eco-friendly designation which signifies that the wood within the product is from FSC-certified material, recycled material, or controlled wood that cannot be: illegally harvested, harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights, harvested in forests where high conservation values (HCVs) are threatened, harvested in forests being converted to plantations or non-forest use, or harvested in forests where genetically modified trees are planted.
This is just one facet of our standard to develop clean, mistake proof, and results-driven beauty products without compromising aesthetics, functionality, or accessibility—we’re thrilled to offer consumers earth conscious and ethical options for their beauty needs.
For more information, check out our commitment to sustainable beauty and visit the FSC Worldwide website.